AME Director named ‘Top 20’ manufacturing professionals in the country

The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering’s Director, Carl Perrin, has been named as one of the ‘Top 20’ manufacturing professionals in the country.

Unipart Manufacturing Group works in collaboration with Coventry University on this exciting collaboration. The AME is a UK first, establishing a new and innovative teaching environment that creates a step change in the higher education model for manufacturing engineering degree courses through enhanced activity-led learning.

The former graduate of Sheffield University has been instrumental in shaping the learning offer that sees young people study towards a BEng, MEng or MSc by applying theory direct to live Unipart Manufacturing shop floor projects – accelerating their progression by 12 months when compared with traditional courses.

Working with a team of technology specialists and professors, he has also established AME as one of the most trusted R&D centres in the UK, using its 1700 sq metre manufacturing hub to develop new powertrain and energy transfer solutions for automotive, aerospace and renewables.

This has included over £6m of funded projects and already led to Unipart securing a new fuel rail project for the Ford Fox engine and the start of production on a lightweight exhaust system for Aston Martin.